Even When You Don't Catch Fish, You Still........

by C. B. Pritchard
(Union City, TN)

Spend time with family or good friends...

Spend time with family or good friends...

I love to catch fish as much as the next guy, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm no pro. I'm a fisherman, but not always a fish"catcher"man. I can have "dry" spells that last several trips. Is it worth going even when the fishing is slow? You bet! Even when you don't catch fish you still..... (see the pictures and captions above)

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Appreciate The Wildlife!
by: Remy

Hey CB,

I like how you're able to tell a story with pictures.

Also, I'm a huge believer in getting outside and doing outdoor related activities. Especially with family and friends. Very important to making life-long lasting memories (whether you're catching fish or not).

Anyways, thanks for sharing.

By they way, that cottonmouth would definitely trip me out.

Which reminds me...

I went fishing a few weeks ago with a buddy of mine. I was walking along the bank checking out the water looking for my next spot to cast. As I was taking a step, I just happened to look down and there was a freakin' snake. I hopped over it as high and as far as I could. Had I not looked, I would have definitely stepped on it, and most likely would have been bit.

It blended in so well with the dead grass and dirt that I didn't see it at first. Good thing is that it was just a gopher snake. Regardless, it had my heart pumping nevertheless.

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